Episode 27: Nuts and Bolts Book Review -innovating in Africa, with Dr. McLean Sibanda

Nuts and Bolts is an inspirational book that ignites entrepreneurs, policymakers, investors, and mentors to build an environment that supports innovation and enables entrepreneurs to thrive. In this episode, I spoke to the author of Nuts and Bolts, Dr. McLean Sibanda about the book and how he repositioned Africa’s first internationally accredited technology and scienceContinue reading “Episode 27: Nuts and Bolts Book Review -innovating in Africa, with Dr. McLean Sibanda”

Episode 18: Staying motivated as a change Agent

Entrepreneurs are constantly re-inventing things and other entrepreneurs start businesses that solve complex social problems. The path in entrepreneurship is hardly ever linear – it is more of a zig-zag. Motivating yourself on this journey is one of your most important resource. Zukiswa Mqolomba who is been effecting both social and economic change in placesContinue reading “Episode 18: Staying motivated as a change Agent”