Episode 31: Finding opportunity in the tourism sector, with Robyn Christie

The travel and tourism industry has been one of the hardest-hit and disrupted by recent changes that happened over the last year and a half. For entrepreneurs in the travel and tourism industry, it is time to take stock of these changes and find opportunities to grow your business! Robyn Christie shares how you canContinue reading “Episode 31: Finding opportunity in the tourism sector, with Robyn Christie”

Episode 22: How to spot new opportunities, with Kwame Bekoe

Entrepreneurs discover or create opportunities that ultimately lead to some of our favourite products and solutions to real pressing problems. But how exactly do they spot these opportunities in the first place? What is the mental alertness and type of thinking that allows entrepreneurs to continuously move the world forward? In this episode, I spokeContinue reading “Episode 22: How to spot new opportunities, with Kwame Bekoe”